
We are happy to announce we have orders in route to re stock all the rigs we rolled out to you all these past weeks, and some of our new work we picked up at AGE.

Recyclers, 96 holes perk inline BEASTS, and everything else we move by Silika will be restocked. We got some beautiful new items from Silika coming as well. Mini bubbler slyme pieces, 10 mm Silika titanium nails, sexy worked bubblers, and more!

Swagger Glass threw together a sick pack of his dope work. We got 18mm 14mm Swagger Glass rigs on its way.

The order is in for Wicked Sands to get another 24 rigs over to us in 3-4 weeks.

Finally we have iDab Glass getting us some real proper work (Very excited for that).

Stay up on our new glass & titanium as it comes  by following us on Instagram, FB, and twitter. Also join our mailing list on the home page to get monthly promos and freebees. 

Paulie Peanuts
Paulie Peanuts


owner at