Sold Out - $1,000.00
Staklo Glass - 14 & 10 mm F Terp Jammer Purple Lilac over Pomegranate
Staklo made these perfectly sized Terp Jammers for the ultimate flavor save. The Terp Jammers come with a removable down stem that while in acts as a 10 MM female joint. When the removable down stem is out, the rig can fit a 14 MM male nail or down stem in to the joint. The removable down stem has a 2 hole diffy perc.
Each Terp Jammer come with custom carvings. Staklo did a Purple Lilac over Pomegranate for this one.
Height: 6 IN
Base width: 2 & 3/4 IN
Staklo Glass - 14 & 10 mm F Terp Jammer Cream Soda
Staklo made these perfectly sized Terp Jammers for the ultimate flavor save. The Terp Jammers come with a removable down stem that while in acts as a 10 MM female joint. When the removable down stem is out, the rig can fit a 14 MM male nail or down stem in to the joint. The removable down stem has a 2 hole diffy perc.
Each Terp Jammer come with custom carvings. The color on this is Cream Soda.
Height: 6 IN
Base width: 2 & 1/2 IN
Joint: 10 mm Female Removable down stem / 14 MM female joint
Staklo Glass - Lemondrop 14 MM F Recycler
Stalko recyclers are absolutely amazing functioning rigs. Beautiful shape and rare Lemondrop color on this rig. Ti signed and dated 2017.
Height: 7 & 1/2 IN
Base Width: 2 & 1/2 IN
Staklo Glass - 14 & 10 mm F Terp Jammer North Star Glass Experimental #28
Staklo made these perfectly sized Terp Jammers for the ultimate flavor save. The Terp Jammers come with a removable down stem that while in acts as a 10 MM female joint. When the removable down stem is out, the rig can fit a 14 MM male nail or down stem in to the joint. The removable down stem has a 2 hole diffy perc.
Each Terp Jammer come with custom carvings. This yellow is a experimental color from Northstar Glass #28.
Height: 5 & 1/2 IN
Base width: 2 & 1/2 IN
Joint: 10 mm Female Removable down stem / 14 MM female joint
Staklo Glass - Pink Lollipop with Crushe Opal 14 MM F Recycler
Stalko recyclers are absolutely amazing functioning rigs. This Pink Lollipop rig has crushed opal throughout. Hard to see in the photos, but its there! Ti signed and dated 2017.
Height: 8 IN
Base Width: 2 & 1/2 IN