When you are looking to get yourself set up with a proper essential oil dabbing rig, beginners look to buy a glass on glass oil rig. Something to get started with that has a nail, dome, and a oil rig. You will need to get a dabber too. The bird’s eye view of dabs dripping off a lovely worked dabber, always make it a better experience, so don't cheap out on a cool dabber & dish set.
As you evolve, often people who have an everyday sidekick oil rig, look to get a nice Titanium Nail or quartz, nail. There are domeless titanium nails and ones that require domes. The dome & nail combo would need to be with an adjustable titanium nail not a domless. However, if you chose titanium over quartz and you want a truly respectable nail go with a domeless titanium nail. Its the only way to roll!
The quality and price of your glass will go hand and hand. If you are cheap and want an easy way to vape you can get a vapor pen. Some call them oil pen vaporizers, some call them vapes.... either way they can vaporize essential oils. They are more portable being like a vapor pens in your pocket. The center container cut out in a vaporizer pen is like a mini pot for essential oil.
Hope this helps for all those who send us questions and please note all our glass and titanium are made in the USA and for sale on our site here @ TheDabStore.com
Check out our top venders for these items: Silika Clout Wicked Sands Cloud Vape Penz Dab Essentials
Things got a little crazy from Cannabis Cup 2013 in Denver to CHAMPS AC. We got a ton of new glass stocked up and a bunch more coming. We have all Silika mini bubbler combos, Silika Slymed out rigs, Silika ti nails, and plenty more worked pieces coming up in the next few days.
If you have any questions about the Silika Glass for sale on our site or anything at all please let us know by using our contact form.
This week our orders shipped for Silika and Boro Synidate. We have a lot of new sick stuff coming in and restocking as well.
From Silika we have new 10mm slyme rigs coming, 14mm slyme bubblers, and we are restocking our micro oilers.
Boro Syndicate hooked us up with a lot of quartz nails, vape swings, a few rigs, and some worked glass.
They should be arriving soon and we look to restock everything by Wednesday and photo/post the new work by Friday.
Til next, “Stay dabbing my friends”.
We pride ourself in selling only USA made Titanium nails. We carry Silika Titanium Nails, Vapenwiser Titanium Nails, and some Highly Educated Nails. We have 10mm, 14mm, 18mm, and 29mm.
Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about our Titanium Nail selection and see the link below for a view of our product line
New Silika domeless Titanium Nails 18mm and 14mm are being packaged up and set out to TheDabStore.com !
We love carrying high quality titanium made in the USA!!! They should be up on the site by next week! limited supply stay on the look out! We will have 18 14 and 10 mm domeless nails and adjustable. Also as seen below the 4 in 1 rook nail!
For anyone out there who hasn't fucked with Boro Syndicate's line... you need to. More on the way next week Boro Syndicate Rigs more vape swings, and re stocking nails. The quartz nails are very quality and will not break easily. The vape swings are a favorite because they have little movement when dabbing. They fit on dab rigs very cleanly. We have worked vape swings and clear. 14mm or 18mm both stocked up. To see the collection of nails click here http://www.thedabstore.com/collections/boro-syndicate-nails
to see the collection of vape swings click here http://www.thedabstore.com/collections/accessories/boro-syndicate