The Dab Store Making Moves!
The past two months for have been very intense. Halloween sales, new glass artists, glass give aways, ordering our first enail… we’re making moves. We have much more depth in our selection of Steve Beer Glass pendant rigs and worked pieces. Beer Glass drip rigs and pendant rigs are very hard to keep stocked. The slyme worked rigs are quick to sell out so if you know what you want and see don’t hesitate to scoop it up.
Our friends at High Tech Titanium graced us with the most efficient and affordable dabber, The Poindexter. It is double sided, one being a flat paddle and the other a ball point. Great for shatter stabbing or wax working! We also ordered more domeless 18mm titanium nails and a 10/14mm domeless which will be here in November.
The big edition is the Honey Highve. The Honey Highve is an electric ti nail. Just flick a switch and your dabbin in seconds. We have only a few they will be available with nails, dabber, and carb cap.
We got some legit new Pendant Rigs from Silika. The 10m pendant rigs are for sale with a matching Silika 10/14mm nail. They are perfect for on the go dabbers. These sell out very fast, grab one if you are on the fence about it and see them stocked.
Hit man has gotten us some really nice glass over the last few weeks. We have Hitman Glass Mini Cakes, Baby Cakes, Double Barrel Recyclers, and Phase 2 side cars. The brilliance perk on the mini cake combined with the layered glass makes for a great little stacked. The baby cake is just as effective.
We have a dwindling stock of Defstar glass that won’t be restocked, grab what you can before its gone. Keep an eye open for Mad Rob Glass for sale on, we will be having some very good sales for the upcoming holidays.
Paulie Peanuts
owner at